The Purpose And Benefits of Lockdown.
There are four types of people in the world;
• Those who let things happened
• Those who watch things happened
• Those who asked what happened? &
• Those who make things happened
Purpose is the original intent of a thing. Purpose determines the design. Without purpose life has no meaning. And when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. Corona Virus (Convid 19) has brought a lot of changes to our world and systems in an unprecedented way. The so-called world powers are on their knees presently battling this common evil. Now, it is known to all that they really control nothing even ordinary Convid 19 messed them up and revealed to all that there is a God in Heaven that rules over all things and controls both kingdoms and nations.
Well, that is really not my emphasis my concern has to do with the general lockdown imposed on people. For what purpose is this exercise? Is lockdown evil? Is lockdown has any benefit? Has lockdown ever existed before in the history of the world? Do we really need this lockdown? Is this not another conspiracy theory? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lockdown if any? Has God’s people ever being locked down before? Does God really know anything about lockdown?
I will start with the last question there; lockdown is not new to God in fact, if you check the law of first mentioned in the Bible, Almighty God started lockdown first. Moreover, I need to say this; lockdown is not evil. It is for our own good, it is in the best interest of the populace. It is best way so far to contain this virus known as Convid 19. Why? Because this virus has no legs, its people whom it depended on to be transferred. So, if you understand this perfectly well, you will understand that what Government is doing is right in order to reduce the speed at which this virus moves. When people’s movement are thoroughly restricted, this evil can be contained to barest minimum. It is proven right now in China where it first began. When we maintain our social distance with everyday good hygiene as explained to us in media, the expected result should be achieved. And this exercise will be worthwhile at the end of the day.
However, I said it earlier that my concern has to do with the spiritual aspect of this exercise. Lockdown is not new. I stand to tell you that there is no one who has ever being used mightily by God on earth without totally locked down and self isolated from outset. God grooms His people mostly through this process, so stop fighting the process. Until you are completely locked down and self isolated from the systems of this world, you can’t bring a change into this dying world. You can’t fulfil your assignment in this part of eternity called Earth.
“Has lockdown ever existed before in the history of the world?” Yes! Noah was locked down for 150days/5months during the deluge (Genesis7:24), bible says; “The Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:16), it was God who locked down the whole world not the devil just to preserve posterity because the intent and imagination of men living on earth as at then were so evil continually that God was decided to wipe out everyone but His word prevailed at the end of the day (Ref:Genesis 6,7,8,9). If this exercise goes beyond 14days Nigerians, please be ready to brace up at least Noah’s lockdown lasted 150days, I rest my case.
Abraham was locked down by God before He could receive the promise. Jacob resisted the process until the Angel of the Lord broke his tight/hip in order to ensure his complete lockdown. Do I need to tell you of Joseph, he was locked down by God and in complete isolation in prison more than 2years until his word came. Moses has his locked down for forty days and forty night at the back of desert for proper reset for the assignment God has for him, in order to obtain God’s direct handwritten 10 commandment. Also, he was self isolated from his people for 40years in order to deliver his people from the land/house of bondage.
Elijah had his locked down and self isolated for 40days and night as well. I can’t tell you enough about David even though he was anointed king at the age of 17th; his lockdown took another 13years both within and outside of Jerusalem and self isolated from his people at Ziglag in 2Sam.30.
Time will fail me to convince you about the young Hebrew Scholar called Jesus Christ who was locked down and self isolated for 40days both day and night immediately after his baptism. Bible says; He was led into the wilderness/isolation by the Holy Spirit to be tempted of the devil. However, this became his usual habit to maintain self isolation before dawn everyday in a solitary place to seek God’s face before His ministration to people. He did this so perfectly well to an extent that all His disciples asked Him nothing else except how to embrace this lifestyle.
The foremost Apostle to the Gentiles; Paul an Apostle of Christ was defiant and full of cruelty until he was locked down by Jesus Christ and self isolated with blindness for 3days until Ananias came to lay his hand on him according to the command of the Lord in order for him to receive his sight. 90% of the New Testament books were written through this same man from the Book of Acts down to Hebrews. Believe me virtually all these Epistles were written during locked down and self isolation in prisons, God what a life!
A lot of us had been locked down before this imposed Convid 19 lockdown, it’s not new. It is lockdown meeting the locked down. My greatest concern is what are you doing with this lockdown? It is known to the whole world that things cannot, I repeat can never remain the same again after this locked down in the world. There is a change going on in the world lately and the speed at which this change comes it’s so rapid and so many people do not know. If you and I don’t effect the change we want to see in our lives and in our nations perhaps we may be asking “what happened?” in the nearest future. This 8am to 5pm is a curse, now it is known to the doubting Thomas’s that you can work effectively at home. Education has gone beyond our conventional four walls. Technology has changed a lot of things. Brace up people, new jobs and opportunities are here, it takes people who can discern the time we are in to embrace some of the wealth transfer that is going on lately.
This is the moment of truth. This is the moment of re-evaluation. It is not confinement but refinement. It is opportunity given to you to buy back time. This is the time to take a proper look at ourselves as individual and as a nation, what are we doing right and what are we not doing too okay or else we may be “watching things happening”?
Everyone who observed/experienced God’s locked down and self isolation came out great and into rich/wealthy fulfilment check the Bible and examples listed above. This system we are practicing has become archaic. Aren’t you tired of a rat race? Are you a rat? It is killing! Now, it’s known to everyone that you can work from anywhere, thanks to Corona Virus. Education is beyond our four walls. And doing businesses today has being changed. The usual conventional ways of doing things are not working. The whole world is going through a lot of reformation process and lots of people are still letting things happening to them unprepared.
Wealth of ungodly are being transferred, how positioned are you? Whenever God calls for economic meltdown, it’s an opportunity to bless His people. Watch out friends, what time it is? This is the Day of the Lord and it is the time to take over!
Conclusively, isolation is the place of containment for epidemic/pandemic of any virus. It is a place of correction to the wrongdoers/evil doers but to the righteous; it’s the place of refinement, refuel, re-energise and reposition. Purpose of lockdown goes thus far:
• As a people and individual, this is time to check ones’ life properly, where am I? What am I doing? How positioned am I? Am I aligned? Is the system working against me or am I effecting the change that I want to see in my life? If the channel is clogged, it is the right time to get rid of those blockades. It could be sin that easily ensnared you so you can’t hear Him. God loves to help, He will give you direction for your life but if your receptivity is blocked, what would you do? Reset, re-evaluate, lockdown, isolate and come against everything that blocked your way from living a healthy life.
• As a country or nation, especially my beloved country Nigeria. This is time to put our house in order. This is the time of national RE-SET. This is time to correct the errors of the past. This mono economy is failing. Another recession is looming. The world is moving on Convid 19 or no Convid 19. This is time to restructure this nation. This system is not working. Let’s put the best system in place that will serve for the best of her citizenry.
• As a world in general, it’s time to put our world right. We are the apex of His crowned creature, God wants to show us forth to principalities and powers. This is time to get God’s original Big Idea for our world. This is time to allow the universe to function as it should and not to work against us.
My people, this crisis will not last. By the blood of resurrected Jesus I pray as we celebrate this Easter, Convid 19 shall be a thing of the past in our land. No plague will come near you and your family in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Please stay at home.
Stay safe.
And God bless!
There are four types of people in the world;
• Those who let things happened
• Those who watch things happened
• Those who asked what happened? &
• Those who make things happened
Purpose is the original intent of a thing. Purpose determines the design. Without purpose life has no meaning. And when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. Corona Virus (Convid 19) has brought a lot of changes to our world and systems in an unprecedented way. The so-called world powers are on their knees presently battling this common evil. Now, it is known to all that they really control nothing even ordinary Convid 19 messed them up and revealed to all that there is a God in Heaven that rules over all things and controls both kingdoms and nations.
Well, that is really not my emphasis my concern has to do with the general lockdown imposed on people. For what purpose is this exercise? Is lockdown evil? Is lockdown has any benefit? Has lockdown ever existed before in the history of the world? Do we really need this lockdown? Is this not another conspiracy theory? What are the advantages and disadvantages of lockdown if any? Has God’s people ever being locked down before? Does God really know anything about lockdown?
I will start with the last question there; lockdown is not new to God in fact, if you check the law of first mentioned in the Bible, Almighty God started lockdown first. Moreover, I need to say this; lockdown is not evil. It is for our own good, it is in the best interest of the populace. It is best way so far to contain this virus known as Convid 19. Why? Because this virus has no legs, its people whom it depended on to be transferred. So, if you understand this perfectly well, you will understand that what Government is doing is right in order to reduce the speed at which this virus moves. When people’s movement are thoroughly restricted, this evil can be contained to barest minimum. It is proven right now in China where it first began. When we maintain our social distance with everyday good hygiene as explained to us in media, the expected result should be achieved. And this exercise will be worthwhile at the end of the day.
However, I said it earlier that my concern has to do with the spiritual aspect of this exercise. Lockdown is not new. I stand to tell you that there is no one who has ever being used mightily by God on earth without totally locked down and self isolated from outset. God grooms His people mostly through this process, so stop fighting the process. Until you are completely locked down and self isolated from the systems of this world, you can’t bring a change into this dying world. You can’t fulfil your assignment in this part of eternity called Earth.
“Has lockdown ever existed before in the history of the world?” Yes! Noah was locked down for 150days/5months during the deluge (Genesis7:24), bible says; “The Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:16), it was God who locked down the whole world not the devil just to preserve posterity because the intent and imagination of men living on earth as at then were so evil continually that God was decided to wipe out everyone but His word prevailed at the end of the day (Ref:Genesis 6,7,8,9). If this exercise goes beyond 14days Nigerians, please be ready to brace up at least Noah’s lockdown lasted 150days, I rest my case.
Abraham was locked down by God before He could receive the promise. Jacob resisted the process until the Angel of the Lord broke his tight/hip in order to ensure his complete lockdown. Do I need to tell you of Joseph, he was locked down by God and in complete isolation in prison more than 2years until his word came. Moses has his locked down for forty days and forty night at the back of desert for proper reset for the assignment God has for him, in order to obtain God’s direct handwritten 10 commandment. Also, he was self isolated from his people for 40years in order to deliver his people from the land/house of bondage.
Elijah had his locked down and self isolated for 40days and night as well. I can’t tell you enough about David even though he was anointed king at the age of 17th; his lockdown took another 13years both within and outside of Jerusalem and self isolated from his people at Ziglag in 2Sam.30.
Time will fail me to convince you about the young Hebrew Scholar called Jesus Christ who was locked down and self isolated for 40days both day and night immediately after his baptism. Bible says; He was led into the wilderness/isolation by the Holy Spirit to be tempted of the devil. However, this became his usual habit to maintain self isolation before dawn everyday in a solitary place to seek God’s face before His ministration to people. He did this so perfectly well to an extent that all His disciples asked Him nothing else except how to embrace this lifestyle.
The foremost Apostle to the Gentiles; Paul an Apostle of Christ was defiant and full of cruelty until he was locked down by Jesus Christ and self isolated with blindness for 3days until Ananias came to lay his hand on him according to the command of the Lord in order for him to receive his sight. 90% of the New Testament books were written through this same man from the Book of Acts down to Hebrews. Believe me virtually all these Epistles were written during locked down and self isolation in prisons, God what a life!
A lot of us had been locked down before this imposed Convid 19 lockdown, it’s not new. It is lockdown meeting the locked down. My greatest concern is what are you doing with this lockdown? It is known to the whole world that things cannot, I repeat can never remain the same again after this locked down in the world. There is a change going on in the world lately and the speed at which this change comes it’s so rapid and so many people do not know. If you and I don’t effect the change we want to see in our lives and in our nations perhaps we may be asking “what happened?” in the nearest future. This 8am to 5pm is a curse, now it is known to the doubting Thomas’s that you can work effectively at home. Education has gone beyond our conventional four walls. Technology has changed a lot of things. Brace up people, new jobs and opportunities are here, it takes people who can discern the time we are in to embrace some of the wealth transfer that is going on lately.
This is the moment of truth. This is the moment of re-evaluation. It is not confinement but refinement. It is opportunity given to you to buy back time. This is the time to take a proper look at ourselves as individual and as a nation, what are we doing right and what are we not doing too okay or else we may be “watching things happening”?
Everyone who observed/experienced God’s locked down and self isolation came out great and into rich/wealthy fulfilment check the Bible and examples listed above. This system we are practicing has become archaic. Aren’t you tired of a rat race? Are you a rat? It is killing! Now, it’s known to everyone that you can work from anywhere, thanks to Corona Virus. Education is beyond our four walls. And doing businesses today has being changed. The usual conventional ways of doing things are not working. The whole world is going through a lot of reformation process and lots of people are still letting things happening to them unprepared.
Wealth of ungodly are being transferred, how positioned are you? Whenever God calls for economic meltdown, it’s an opportunity to bless His people. Watch out friends, what time it is? This is the Day of the Lord and it is the time to take over!
Conclusively, isolation is the place of containment for epidemic/pandemic of any virus. It is a place of correction to the wrongdoers/evil doers but to the righteous; it’s the place of refinement, refuel, re-energise and reposition. Purpose of lockdown goes thus far:
• As a people and individual, this is time to check ones’ life properly, where am I? What am I doing? How positioned am I? Am I aligned? Is the system working against me or am I effecting the change that I want to see in my life? If the channel is clogged, it is the right time to get rid of those blockades. It could be sin that easily ensnared you so you can’t hear Him. God loves to help, He will give you direction for your life but if your receptivity is blocked, what would you do? Reset, re-evaluate, lockdown, isolate and come against everything that blocked your way from living a healthy life.
• As a country or nation, especially my beloved country Nigeria. This is time to put our house in order. This is the time of national RE-SET. This is time to correct the errors of the past. This mono economy is failing. Another recession is looming. The world is moving on Convid 19 or no Convid 19. This is time to restructure this nation. This system is not working. Let’s put the best system in place that will serve for the best of her citizenry.
• As a world in general, it’s time to put our world right. We are the apex of His crowned creature, God wants to show us forth to principalities and powers. This is time to get God’s original Big Idea for our world. This is time to allow the universe to function as it should and not to work against us.
My people, this crisis will not last. By the blood of resurrected Jesus I pray as we celebrate this Easter, Convid 19 shall be a thing of the past in our land. No plague will come near you and your family in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Please stay at home.
Stay safe.
And God bless!
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