Re-discovering the Kingdom

Re-discovering means that something was lost. It is also means that something existed but was lost and that is the problem. Kingdom was what God gave to man from the beginning when He said “Let them have dominion” Genesis 1:26. Let them have the sovereign ruling power over the earth; it’s a royal power. It’s a government. Man lost the given kingdom by committing treason with the devil against God which led eventually to the redemptive plan. Jesus Christ came to restore to man what he lost from the outset. When Jesus came to earth, He never preached prosperity. He never preached cross. He never preached born-again. He never preached deliverance, He only delivered people. He never preached healings, He only healed people. He never preached resurrection, He simply resurrected. The question is what did Jesus preached?
The Bible Is Misunderstood Book.
The Bible is not the religious Book. The Bible is not about religion. Why? Because the Bible called itself a Testament. The Bible is called a Covenant Book. It is not a devotional Book. It is a legal document. The contract of the Bible is also a constitution. Constitution is a legal document. The Bible is about a King and royal family. The Bible is about a kingdom. A kingdom is not a religion. A kingdom is a country, so the Bible is about a country. The Bible is about government. It is a government of a kingdom rule by a king or queen.
The Bible is about colonization (please don’t get tired of this word). Colonization is extension of King’s influence over a distant colony or territory. God’s will was to extend His ruling from heaven to earth. The Bible is about re-colonization project. God wants to re-colonize earth because earth is His property. What I am giving you at the moment is called concept. Concepts are raw materials for understanding. If you have wrong concept you will have wrong idea and then wrong understanding which will give you errors.
The terminology in the Bible is all kingdom terminology. And if you don’t understand the kingdom you cannot understand the Bible. The Bible is not about subjects (slaves) worshiping the king, it’s about children of the king. God’s interest was not to take you to heaven (I can see your religious spirit frowning at me now, easy please). I repeat myself; God’s will was not to take you to heaven. You are from heaven! It is because you don’t know. You are a heavenly being given an earthly body living on a planet earth because of your assignment. You are sent from heaven to colonize the earth. Remember only king colonize.
God’s will was to extend the kingdom of heaven to earth through you in order to make earth the colony of heaven. God wants to extend His invisible kingdom into visible world called earth; this is God’s idea! God is the Original colonial power. Colonization didn’t originate from man; it’s from God, its God’s idea not man. God doesn’t want you to come to heaven to experience heaven, He wants you to come to earth and experience heaven; this is our assignment to make earth just like heaven. This is the message of the Bible.   
What then is the Bible all about?
What is The Bible All About?
1.      The Bible is about a King.
A king is completely different from a president or prime minister. In democracy you have president. Also in democracy there is no king. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people found it so difficult to understand the Bible. It’s about a King.
2.      The Bible is about a royal family.
Kings that have children are called royal family. The Bible is about a King and His royal family.
3.      The Bible is about a kingdom.
The Bible is about a Kingdom. A kingdom is not a religion. A kingdom is a country, the home country.
4.      The Bible is about a government.
The Bible is about government. It is about a government of kingdom rule by a king or queen. Adam was given responsibility of government and governing.
5.      The Bible is about colonization project.
The Bible is about colonization. The average individual doesn’t understand colonization.
Colonization is extension of King’s influence over a distant territory. God is invisible. He created visible world by means of expanding His invisible heaven to visible earth so, He created children out of His Own Essence, spirit being just like Him, given visible (physical) body to live and rule in this visible world called earth for Him, simple. Man is a spirit being after the nature and essence of his source, Father God; he lives in a body, which is his earth suit that allows him to relate to the physical environment; and he possesses a soul, which is his intellect, will, and emotional faculties. We are suited for the earth as perfectly as God is suited for Heaven.

6.      The Bible is about re-colonization project.
The Bible is about re-colonization project. Check the history no kingdom ever colonized a colony two times. It’s only the Kingdom of Heaven that re-colonizes the earth again after the first lost. God wants to re-colonize because earth is His property. All these are concepts. Understanding the concept of colonization is key because once we understand what God intended, we will understand what God is doing. God put people on this planet for the purpose of expanding His influence and authority from the supernatural realm to the natural realm.

7.      The Bible is not about a religion.
The three majour religion on earth all claimed Abraham as their father and Abram never found a religion. God never promised Abraham a religion; He promised him a piece of property. These three religions are full of murder and blood.

So we get a problem with this Book. What was God’s idea if He didn’t have interest in religion?

… to be continued.

In His Service,
Bisi Bolarin

The Kingdom Life Ministries
Tel: +234 809 809 0197
Whatapps: +234 809 809 0197


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