“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”
In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”
- Matthew
3:1-2 (NKJV).
The most powerful force on earth is not the Holy Spirit but your MIND.
The Holy Spirit is not a force is a person! The most difficult
challenge face on earth by God is the attempt to change the MIND of former
slaves. It was easy for God to deliver the people from slavery (oppression),
the power of Pharaoh but not from their thinking. God believes that it is possible
to change the minds of the people after been in the oppression/bondage for 400
years, but the people failed, they couldn’t believe. There is nothing on earth
that is so powerful that God does not control. The “WILL” controls the agency
of man on earth. The “WILL” is precious and dangerous! God intended to use the
“will” of man on earth to fulfill His “WILL” (Matthew 6:10). The soul is the
integration of three things; MIND, WILL & EMOTIONS. The mind is the
center of the soul and whoever controls your soul control your life. So,
Almighty God created us as free moral agents with mind that is been formed by
Him and He chooses not to control our minds because He made us that way not
Robots; we have choice in this matter, He wanted us to yield our wills to His
“WILL” painstakingly or deliberately. Let me put it this way, God
created the mind but cannot control it. We can even use it against
Him, what a tragedy! That is why winning soul is a difficult task and whosoever
wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30).
God delivered the people in Egypt in one day just like that but He
struggled with the same set of people for 40 years in the wilderness. He
couldn’t change their minds. Do you know that miracle do not change the MIND.
Miracle doesn’t change people. No one has ever seen any firsthand miracles like
the church in the wilderness. No matter what God promises you if your mind
cannot carry it you cannot have it, that’s your mentality determines what you
receive. Poverty as we all know is a state of mind. Note please, the soul is
the mediator between the spirit and body. Devil is not after your
spirit or body but your soul so also God is after your soul why? Because the
kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness are the kingdoms of the soul; this
is the battle ground, God is battling with your soul so also the devil and
whoever you yield your will/mind controls your life.
Whenever a king is coming to a colony or territory there is a need for
him to be heralded. His coming will be announced or proclaimed by a messenger.
John the Baptist was an interesting personality you and I will need to study
critically as regards the coming of the Messiah or The Anointed King. He came
to the scene by announcing the coming of the King after 400 years of silence I
mean total darkness on earth when heaven stopped talking or sending messages to
earth either by prophets or priests. The period between the book of Malachi;
the last book in the Old Testament to the Matthew the first book of the New
Testament took 400 years gap, heaven disengagement from the earth, there was no
operation of the Holy Spirit anywhere on earth around this period. However,
around this time was when John the Baptist started his earthly ministry and his
message was “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at
John the Baptist was not like a usual, normal prophet as we known, he
was not even in the Temple or Tabernacle like his father Zechariah. He was in
the wilderness. Normally he wouldn’t have been considered as a high priest or
prophet in his time but the word of God by pass the present priesthood; Annas
and Caiaphas to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness (Luke 3:1-2). There was
a change of guard. God was about doing New Thing. The Bible says, “A
voice of one calling in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord, make
straight paths for him” Matthew 3:3. And his message was “REPENT,
FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND”. Many people were trooping
in or coming to this new Master Teacher Teaching; it was a new
School of Thought, nobody has ever done things like this before. John
was preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins even tax
collectors came to be baptized.
Moreover, two things caught my attention as regards the declaration of
John the Baptist; it is the word “REPENT” and “THE
KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”. What do these words mean? This is the whole
essence of this teaching. The prefix “RE” – means “Return
to original”, “to go back” and the word “PENT” –
means “to think”, however, the word “RE-PENT” –
means “back to highway of thinking”, “come back to original
thinking”, “Change your thinking pattern”. "Make a U-Turn". Also,
“THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” – means “The influence of heaven”, “The
government of heaven”. So, when we say; “Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven is at hand”, it means “change your thinking or
come back to or return to original thinking for the influence of heaven is
here”. The word “AT HAND” is an old English word, it means “IS HERE”. Change
your thinking for the ruler-ship of heaven is here. Come back to original thinking
because there is a different “School of Thought”. And this school
of thought demands new and original way of thinking. Change your mind-set.
Until a man’s mindset changes, nothing changes. If I can succeed changing your
mind I will successfully changing you. This was the message that announced the
coming of the King of the universe; the Lord Jesus Christ.
Moreover, when Jesus started His ministry He went through this Master
Teacher School of Thought to announce His ministry and same word came
out from His mouth in Matthew 4: 17 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is
at hand.” Jesus was not asking for an altar call as your
pastors water it down to look like but in essence He was saying and asking for
a change of mind, change of thought pattern and process because another
government is here. The influence of heaven has arrived here on earth again, it
was here before, it was lost but now back on earth, what a good news!. What
Adam lost from the beginning was about to be restored therefore, there is a
need of change in thinking and thought pattern. Jesus Christ was successfully
changed the minds of eleven men in 31/2 years; that
was miracle! Change your thinking brothers because what we lost from the
beginning is now back on earth although man’s thought process has been deformed
by sins and there is a need for realignment in thinking or thought process not
altar call.
Brothers and sisters, I announce to you again today as John the Baptist
and The Lord Jesus declared to the people over 2,000 years ago that you need to
change your thinking because the influence of heaven is here. When Adam messed
up, God cursed the ground for man’s sake; “Curse is the ground because
of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your
life, it will produce thorns and thistles for you, ...” Genesis
3: 17-18. Little wonder it was crown of thorns they
placed on His head (mind) when he was about
to be crucified at the place called “the skull” (Matthew
27:29, Luke 23:33) meaning the cursed has been removed from your mind (Selah).
You can now yield your will to His will. Your mind needed to be transformed and
renewed, so you may be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good,
pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:1-2). This is the word
announced by John the Baptist, this is the message preached by Jesus Christ and
however, this is the same message I declare to you again today; Change your thinking
for the influence of heaven is back again here on earth. “Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven is here.”
In His Service,
The Kingdom Life Ministries
Tel: +234 809 809 0197
Whatapps: +234 809 809
E-mail: kingdomlifeministries46@gmail.com
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