Just at the Right Time

The bible says that when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world (Galatians 4:4). This means that God waited to send Jesus until the situation was ripe. Jesus came at just the right moment and place in history. What made this particular time 2,000 years ago right? Among other things, the time was right because there was a great earthly kingdom in place that could provide tangible, visible illustrations for Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom. The Roman Empire served as a model.
Under Caesar, the Roman Empire was a kingdom, not a democracy. Caesar was a king, not a president. During Jesus’ day Rome ruled most of the known world. Its government, laws, institutions, and culture were everywhere. Every word that Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God had a physical equivalent in Rome, making His message easier to understand for the people who listened to Him.
For example, the Roman senate was called the, ecclesia, a Greek word that means “assembly,” or “called-out ones.” Greek and Latin were both widely spoken throughout the Empire. Jesus spoke Aramaic, the common language of the Jews of Palestine, but the Gospels were originally written in Greek. The Gospel writers use the word ecclesia in passages where Jesus talks about building His “Church.” Just as Caesar had an assembly of called-out ones – the Senate – so also did Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and King of kings have His assembly of called-out ones – His Church.

Image of a king
Caesar issued coins stamped with his image and inscription. People understood that whatever bore Caesar’s image belonged to Caesar and he had every right to claim it. Likewise, they could understand that whatever bore God’s image and stamp of ownership belonged to God and was His for the claiming. When we come to Jesus and give Him our lives, the first thing He does is change our name. He gives us His name and calls us His sons and daughters. John tells us that to those who believe in His name He gives the right to become children of God (John1:12). As children of God, we are joined together with Christ and seated with Him on His throne in heaven next to our Father.
The Bible says as believers we are citizens of heaven. That remains true no matter where we go. We do not have to be in heaven to be citizens there. Right now, we live on earth, but are citizens and ambassadors of the heavenly Kingdom, which is our home.

In His Service,
Bisi Bolarin

The Kingdom Life Ministries
Tel: +234 809 809 0197
Whatapps: +234 809 809 0197
E-mail: kingdomlifeminstries46@gmail.com


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