What is a Kingdom?
Kingdom is the governing influence of a king over his territory, impacting it
with his personal will, purpose, and intent, producing a culture, values,
morals, lifestyle that reflect the king’s desires and nature for his citizens”.
Myles Munroe
kingdom concept was born in the heart of man, placed there by his Creator as
the purpose for which he was created. Despite the fact that there were many
types of kingdoms throughout history, there are certain characteristics common
to all kingdoms. The kingdom of God, according to Jesus, also possesses these
components. Here are some you will need to know in order to understand the
concepts of Scripture.
kingdoms have:
King and Lord - a sovereign
Territory - a domain
Constitution - a royal covenant
Citizenry - community of subjects
Law - Acceptable principles
Privileges - right and benefits
Code of Ethics - acceptable lifestyle and conduct
Army - security
Commonwealth - economic security, and
Social Culture - protocol and procedures.
Now, let’s examine
these one after the other.
ü The King
The King is the
embodiment of the kingdom, representing its glory and nature. Authority flows from
the king and the word of the king is supreme.
ü The Territory
The Territory is the
domain over which the king exercises total authority. The territory and its
resources and people are all personal property of the king. The king by right
owns all and, therefore, is considered lord over all. The word Lord denotes
ownership by right. Lord is only given to one who is sovereign owner. This is
why the Scriptures declare, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1 KJV).
ü The Constitution
The Constitution is the
covenant of a king with his citizenry and expresses the mind and will of the
king for his citizens and the kingdom. It constitutes the intent of the
sovereign for his people as well as containing the benefits and privileges of
the kingdom. The constitution is the documented words of the king. The Bible
contains the constitution of the Kingdom of God which details His will and mind
for His citizens.
ü The Citizenry
The Citizenry is the
people that live under the rule of the king. Citizenship in a kingdom is not a
right, but a privilege, and is a result of the king’s choice. The benefits and
privileges of a kingdom are only accessible to citizens and, therefore, the favour
of the king is always a privilege. Once one becomes a citizen of the kingdom,
all the rights of citizenship are at the citizen’s pleasure. The king is
obligated to care for and protect all of his citizens, and their welfare is a
reflection on the king himself. The number one goal of a citizen in a kingdom
is to submit to the king, seeking only to remain in right standing with him.
This is called righteousness. This is why Jesus said the priority of all men is
to seek His kingdom.
seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).
ü The Law
The law constitutes the
standards and principles established by the king himself, by which his kingdom
will function and be administered. The laws of a kingdom are to be obeyed by
all, including foreigners residing in it. The laws of a kingdom are the way by
which one is guaranteed access to the benefits of the king and the kingdom.
Violations of kingdom law place one at odds with the king and thus interrupt
the favorable position one enjoys with the king. The laws in a kingdom cannot
be changed by the citizens, nor are they subject to a citizen referendum or
debate. Simply put, the word of the king is law in his kingdom. Rebellion
against the law is rebellion against the king. King David understood this principle
of the royal word when he stated,
will bow down toward Your holy temple and will praise Your name for Your love
and Your faithfulness, for You have exalted above all things Your name and Your
word” (Psalm 138:2-3).
ü The Privileges
The Privileges are the
benefits the king lavishes on his faithful citizens. This aspect of kingdom is
very different from other forms of government. In a kingdom, citizenship is
always desired by the people because, once you are in the kingdom, the king is
personally responsible for you and all your needs. In addition, because the
king owns everything within his kingdom, he can give to any citizen any or all
of his wealth as he desires.
ü A Code of Ethics
A Code of Ethics is the
acceptable conduct of the citizens in the kingdom and their representation of
the king. This code includes moral standards, social relationship, personal
conduct, attitude, attire, and manner of life.
ü The Army
The Army is the kingdom’s
system of securing its territory and protecting its citizens. It is important
to understand that in a kingdom the citizens do no fight in the army, but enjoy
the protection of the army. This is why, in the Kingdom of God, the angels are
called the host of heaven. This word host
means army and identifies the angels as the so-called military component of the
Kingdom of Heaven. This kingdom concept presents a challenge to our religious
thinking of the Church as an army. A careful study of biblical constitution of
the word will show that the Church, as Jesus established it, is not identified
as an army but rather a citizenship, a family of sons, and a nation.
unleashed against them His hot anger, His wrath, indignation and hostility – a band
of destroying angels (Psalm 78:49).
the Lord, you His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, who obey His word.
Praise the Lord, all His heavenly hosts, you His servants who do His will (Psalm
it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and
they will weed out of His kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do
evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping
and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:40b-42).
ü A Commonwealth
A Commonwealth is the
economic system of a kingdom which guarantees each citizen equal access to
financial security. In a kingdom, the term commonwealth
is used because the king’s desire is that all his citizens share and benefit
from the wealth of the kingdom. The kingdom’s glory is in the happiness and
health of its citizens.
Consider carefully the
word of the King of the Kingdom of God, Jesus Christ,
Jesus said to His disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your
life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more
than food, and the body more than clothes” (Luke 12:22-23).
seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid,
little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom (Luke
ü The Social Culture
The Social Culture is
the environment created by the life and manners of the king and his citizens.
This is the cultural aspect that separates and distinguishes the kingdom from
all others around it. It is the culture that expresses the nature of the king,
through the lifestyle of his citizens. This distinction in Kingdom culture is
evidenced in the words of the Lord Jesus, when He repeatedly said in the Book
of Matthew, “you have heard that it was said… but I tell you,” (Matthew
5:21-22), and again, “it shall not be so among you” (Matthew 20:26 KJV).
Kingdom social culture is supposed to be evident in our daily activities and
In His Service,
Bisi Bolarin
The Kingdom Life Ministries
+234 809 809 0197
+234 809 809 0197
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